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How U Doin: Wendy Williams Insinuates Tyrese Is Gay! (video)

Wendy Williams sat in her "Hot Topics" chair on Thursday and insinuated Tyrese is gay. The talk show host was responding to a video where the singer and Fate of the Furious star called out promiscuous women who are giving up their crock pots in exchange for money, dinners, rides on yachts and private planes. Tyrese warned, "You're going to put a

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lot of miles on yourself down there." Wendy began to warn women "who are having fun" to be more discreet with their activities because there is an obvious double standard. Women called hoes and men are called a ladies' man. But, it didn't stop there. Wendy Williams took it a step further by insinuating Tyrese is a man's man! See the clip below.

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