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Woman Passes Away After Botched Termination Of Pregnancy

Cree Erwin-Sheppard went to the emergency room at Bronson Battle Creek Hospital on the night of July 2, 2016. She was vomiting and in very extreme pain. The young, single mother from Battle Creek told the physicians that she had an abortion just two days earlier. Two days later, she was deceased. According to the records of the emergency visit, that was shared by her brother, "the patient's symptoms and work-up results were consistent with an incomplete miscarriage and pelvic pain." An ultrasound showed "the presence of a clot and/or retained products of conception," the medical record shows. She was given morphine for the pain, another prescription to calm down her vomiting. The other prescriptions were given. They were pain pills and anti-nausea medication. They were to be filled after she was discharged. Erwin-Sheppard was sent home with her mother. She was given instructions to follow up with a doctor. She could have also followed up with Planned Parenthood after the weekend. She passed away before that was possible. Now, her family and anti abortion advocates are demanding to know the reason why this happened. They believe her demise was the direct result of a botched abortion. Also the failure to recognize or treat the danger symptom caused by her
perforated uterus. "I will not accept Cree Erwin's death as collateral damage to the abortion industry," said Lynn Mills of Pro-Life Detroit, one of the organizers demonstrations said. A copy of an unfilled prescription for pain medication obtained from Erwin-Sheppard's mother had the signature of a doctor at Planned Parenthood in Kalamazoo. The clinic shout that down by citing privacy laws. They would not reveal if the woman had ever been a patient there. They suspect that her abortion was done incorrectly. It is believed that the doctors and others have joined to cover that up, the demonstrators said. Tyler Sheppard, 30, Cree Erwin-Sheppard's brother, said that he had just received from his mother the report of his sister's visit to the emergency room the night before her death. He said that he was alarmed to read that the doctors had released her. They knew that an ultrasound of her abdomen had showed that she had a "clot and/or retained products of conception” The hospital pharmacy was closed and she would not be able to fill the prescriptions for pain until after the holiday weekend. Cree Erwin-Sheppard's mother found her deceased the early morning of July 4, the day after she was discharged from the hospital. Watch Video Below

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