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Letoya Luckett Talks About Co-parenting

LeToya Luckett's last two years have really been up and down. She went from being happily married to becoming a Divorcée. All of this went down while raising two beautiful children in the process. Regardless of the situation, she has been able to go through this with class. While being a mom, she shares with her fans her other activities in her life. She is enjoying Girls Trips and self care sessions. While on vacation in Cabo, Latoya took a moment to talk about what’s going on in her life. She went on her social media and steamed Live. She was transparent about it all. "You know, I think that as long as people keep the kids first, and what's in the best interest of the children, that's what's most important. When you consider them first. Sometimes--most of the times--it's not about us. It's not about the parents, [or] things that went wrong." She continued as she shared a few Jewels. She was very clear in saying that there would be no more chances given to her her ex husband. "My therapist told me, what's important when you're in the co-parenting space is to try not to fix what went wrong in the marriage in the co-parenting space. Don't try and fix your problems from the past in your new chapter. Don't bring it with you although, the same people are gonna be there and you
guys are in a new relationship, if you will." LeToya and ex-husband Tommicus, still go on trips together. They took a trip with all of their children.where they took all of their children, He has a daughter from a previous relationship. Her name is Madison, and they all went to Disneyland. They both updated their social media with posts of the family fun trip. "If you're in the co-parenting space, focus on co-parenting, focus on what's best for the kids, not trying to fix or save--but if you want to save or reconcile, baby hey, have at it, I'm all here for the love! Yes, I am. But, if that's not your focus and those aren't your intentions, then yes, I would definitely suggest not trying to fix what happened in the past, in your co-parenting space. It's not gone help. It's gone cause problems." Tommicus did attemp to rekindle his marriage to Latoya. He publicly went on a campaign to get his ex wife to come home by writing, "I need my wife back.” LeToya so eloquently returned the post with a meme and it stated: "Make room for the right people to enter your life by clearing out those who don't belong. Be firm about what you deserve." Latoya has moved on and she realizes that she can co-parent with her ex husband without crossing certain boundaries that she has set. Good for her.

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