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Birmingham Detective Stops Side Chick From Seeing Tomorrow

An officer has been charged with stopping a woman's existence over the fact that they both were dating the same person. Apparently Alfreda Fluker, 39 took it upon herself to allow her anger to take over her better Judgement. 43 year old Kanisha Nicole Fuller, did not know what happened when Alfreda approached her in the car with the officer about the relationship that she had with her significant other. The other detective was not touched. This was a Love triangle Gone bad. This took place between two detectives and a woman. Alfreda and Kanisha were dating the same Detective. Alegedly Alfreda ended the relationship between the two on the spot. Alfreda has been apart of the Birmingham police department for

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15 years. Alfreda was off duty at the time of this event. The Birmingham Police Department released a statement: "This is not a press conference that I wanted to give today or any other day, but it’s about the facts and the realities of life,'' Birmingham Police Chief Patrick Smith said Saturday morning. “It’s a press conference about a love triangle gone wrong, something that happened very bad this morning.” The officer said he didn’t know the exact relationship between the two officers and the non responsive woman but sources say both women at one point or another had been a relationship with the male officer. “It’s something that’s been going on for a little while,’’ he said, “but without our knowledge.” Watch Video Below

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