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Scary Stories Edition: The Riddle

It was Halloween night. A family of four decided to go trick-or-treating in their neighborhood. They dressed up in costumes and carried bags for candy. They knocked on doors and said "trick or treat" to the people who answered. They came across a house that looked different from the others. It was old and dark, with a sign that said "Beware of the Ghost". The family thought it was part of the Halloween decoration and decided to check it out. They walked up to the door and rang the bell. No one answered. They tried again, but still no response. They pushed the door open and entered the house. It was cold and spooky inside. They saw cobwebs and candles. They heard a voice say "Welcome to my house". They looked around and saw a ghost floating in the air. It was transparent, with a long beard and a hat. It smiled and said "I'm glad you came. I've been waiting for you". The family was scared and wanted to leave, but the door was locked. The ghost said "Don't be afraid. I'm not here to harm you. I'm here to play with you. I have a game for you. A game of riddles. If you can answer my riddles, I will let you go. If you can't, you will stay with me forever". The family agreed to play the game. They had no choice. The ghost asked them three riddles, one for each member of the family except the youngest child. The first riddle

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was for the father: *What has a face and two hands, but no arms or legs?* The father thought for a moment and said "A clock". The ghost nodded and said "That's correct". The second riddle was for the mother: *What can travel around the world while staying in one spot?* The mother thought for a moment and said "A stamp". The ghost nodded and said "That's correct". The third riddle was for the older child: *What has many keys, but usually only one or two are used?* The older child thought for a moment and said "A keyboard". The ghost nodded and said "That's correct". The family was relieved and hoped they could leave now. But the ghost said "There is one more riddle. The final riddle. The hardest riddle of all. This one is for the youngest child". The youngest child was nervous and scared. He didn't know if he could answer the riddle. The ghost asked him: *What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it?* The youngest child thought hard and tried to think of an answer. He remembered something he learned in school and said "Silence". The ghost smiled and said "That's correct". He clapped his hands and said "You have won the game. You have answered all my riddles. You are free to go". He unlocked the door and let them out. He waved goodbye and said "Thank you for playing with me. You made me happy. Come back anytime". The family ran out of the house and never looked back. They were glad they escaped from the haunted house.

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