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Pastor Sues Powerball Winner After Giving Him $700k

Pastor sues PowerBall winner after giving him $700k When a woman from North Carolina won the Powerball lottery, she thought that all of her worries would just disappear into thin air. This was the furthest thing from the truth. She got a rude awakening when she found out that the pastor that she gave a generous donation to would be suing her for10 million dollars. Marie Holmes won over 180 million in the North Carolina Powerball Lottery.  The Struggling mother of four quickly opted to take a lump sum of 127 million after struggling to catch up on her bills. She had been working several jobs to keep her head above water. Pastor Kevin Matthews, a local pastor who had given spiritual help and also counseled Holmes on some occasions, got into some business dealings with Holmes after her winning the money. When she won the money they both had a verbal agreement that she would give the church a generous donation to help Mathews buy land. Holmes and Matthews had originally planned to work together to purchase land to build a nice retirement home. Pastor Matthews had requested a couple million of dollars from Holmes to accomplish this goal. Holmes decided to pay Matthews $700,000 to go towards the purchase of the land. Pastor Matthews felt that his verbal agreement with Holmes gave him the right to request more money, even though more money wasn’t apart of

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the original discussion.  Things did not go to the pastor’s liking, so he decided to sue Holmes. “The end result…I just want her to do what she said she would,” Matthews said according to reports.  “I want peace and manifest what God asked me to do.  I want her to do what she said she would do.  I feel I am God’s Warrior and people need to take responsibility.” Matthews added that he had to increase his mental medications as well as other prescriptions as a result of his disagreements with Holmes. “I am surprised and believe that a third party came to convince her to do what she did.”  Matthews wonders if perhaps it was her family member, who was named Chief Executive of one of Holmes’ funds, who was behind Holmes’ sudden change of heart on the plans of purchasing land. Holmes had a lot of stress due to being responsible for the land that Matthews wanted to purchase. She also bailed her boyfriend out of jail several times. According to records, Holmes had saved almost 21 million dollars to keep her boyfriend Lamar McDow from landing in prison. She also purchased a home for her mother in Seattle. Iyanla Vanzant from “Fix My Life” took charge of Holmes’ transition from poor to rich. Holmes wasn’t mentally ready for the responsibility of what having more money entailed. The pastor’s suit has no public outcome. In fact it tarnished his name.

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