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Kentucky Man Ends Whole Family Including Self Over Cheating

A Kentucky Man has s and ended his wife and two sons life before ending himself . The quadruple incident come just hours after the father and husband posted on Social Media that his wife was cheating on him.  Kyle Milliken, who was 41, ended the life of 35-year-old Ashley Milliken, 13-year-old Kjae Milliken and eight-year-old Kycohn Millken before offing himself in Mayfield, Kentucky.   At around 1.12am seven hours before the family of the Milliken family were discovered by Kentucky State
Police Kyle took to Social Media to vent about his allegedly troubled marriage.  ‘My kids are my everything, a woman can come and go. If she is not happy You can’t make her happy!’ He wrote.... a lot of the time, she was going to do it anyway, but when u pick someone up and carry them for years and she still betray you, what do you do? There is one person that knows the story behind this journey.  Watch Video Below

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