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Unfortunate Choking Incident Leaves 3-year-old Paralyzed: The Danger Of Sticky Gummy Candies Revealed

According to a lawsuit filed by her parents, a 3-year-old girl from California has been left paralyzed after choking on a gummy candy. When the young Amelie Paredes, consumed a Candy Land Gummy Dot. The candy became lodged in her throat, obstructing her airway. Despite efforts by medical professionals to remove the candy, it proved challenging due to its stickiness and lack of flexibility. Eventually, the candy was removed, but Amelie had already suffered severe oxygen deprivation,

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resulting in irreversible brain damage and spastic quadriplegia. The lawsuit claims that the Candy Land Gummy Dots, once chewed, form a highly adhesive mass that is difficult to extract. The candy is produced by Frankford Candy and Hasbro, but both companies have not yet responded to inquiries. “These candies were a ticking time bomb.” Bosworth said. “(Amelie is) now permanently disabled, unable to speak, unable to swallow, and unable to move, for the rest of her life.”