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News Minutes After Taking Office Trump Scrubs White House Website Of Civil Rights, Health Care, Ethics, Climate Change, & Lgbt Rights

And so it begins... Minutes after Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States, the civil liberties, health care, climate change, and LGBT rights and more pages were scrubbed from the White House website. Under Barack Obama's administration the following issues were at the forefront: Economy Education Energy and the Environment Immigration Health Care Civil Rights Disabilities Ethics Family Fiscal Responsibility Foreign
Policy Homeland Security Poverty Rural Seniors & Social Security Service Taxes Technology Urban and Economic Mobility Veterans Violence Prevention Women Under Trump, the issues of importance have been condensed to: America First Energy Policy America First Foreign Policy Bringing Back Jobs And Growth Making Our Military Strong Again Standing Up For Our Law Enforcement Community Trade Deals Working For All Americans Many have taken to social media to respond to the change.

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