Mayte Garcia Details Life With Prince
Mayte Garcia is offering a revealing look into her relationship, marriage, and life with Prince in her forthcoming memoir, "The Most Beautiful: My Life with Prince."
In an excerpt of the book, released to People, Mayte talks about how she met Prince at 16 after her mother sent him a video of her dancing.
He invited them backstage after his concert in Germany (where Mayte lived with her parents) and said, "I like your tape."
Prince, then 32, asked Mayte, "Are you really 16?" After confirming her age, Prince asked for her number.
She wrote, "The encounter lasted forty seconds but it felt like we'd stepped outside of time."
Mayte gave Prince her number and he began to call and write her regularly.
It wasn't long before Mayte Garcia's parents gave Prince legal custody of their daughter.
She moved into Paisley Park, but maintains there was no underaged funny business going on.
"We did not have a sexual relationship," she wrote. "He never denied that the occasional impure thought crossed his
mind, but he was too wise and decent to take advantage of a 16-year-old girl."
Prince dated other women until Mayte was legal. When she turned 19, she says he advised her to get on birth control.
A week later, they had sex.
Via People:
Soon after her graduation from high school, Garcia began to work as one of Prince's backup dancers, and he subsequently became her legal guardian. At 18, she moved into Paisley Park full time. Despite Prince dating other women, Garcia writes that they would stay in his room until dawn, just talking.
A year later, when Garcia was 19, Prince declared, "I think it's time," directing her to get birth control.
"A week or so later, I wrote in bold in my journal: Feb. 9, 1993 - not a virgin," she says in the book. "And I drew a winking smiley face. Patience pays off."
Three years later, Mayte Garcia and Prince tied the knot on Valentine's Day 1996.
"The Most Beautiful: My Life With Prince" arrives on April 4, 2017.