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20-year-old Woman Fatally Shot After Her Friend Turned Into The Wrong Driveway

A New York woman was fatally shot by a homeowner. She was 20 years old. This Happened after the car that she was in, accidentally went to the wrong address. Kaylin Gillis and her friends were trying to find another friend’s home, when they mistakenly pulled up to the house owned by Kevin Monahan. They realized their mistake and quickly turned out of the drive way. The homeowner stepped onto his porch and fired two shots. Unfortunately, one of the shots
hit the victim. The signal was bad in the area, so her friends had to ride 5 miles to be able to call 911. The Emergency responders tried life sustaining measures but Gillis was pronounced deceased at the scene. Monahan has been charged with fatal injury in the second degree and remains Ian in custody. When authorities arrived, Monahan refused to leave his home or answer questions. Authorities said that the case is a "very sad" incident involving an "innocent young woman." Watch Video Below

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