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The Haunted Mansion

It was a dark and stormy night. A group of friends decided to explore the old mansion on the hill, hoping to find some clues about its mysterious past. They had heard rumors of ghosts, curses and hidden treasures, but they were not afraid. They were curious and adventurous. They parked their car near the gate and walked up the driveway. The mansion loomed over them, a towering structure of stone and wood. The windows were boarded up, the door was locked and the roof was covered with moss. The friends found a way in through a broken window in the back. They entered a large hall, filled with dust and cobwebs. They saw paintings on the walls, furniture covered with sheets and a grand staircase leading to the upper floors. They split up to explore different rooms, each taking a flashlight and a walkie-talkie. One of them went to the library, where he found shelves of old books and papers. He picked up a leather-bound journal and opened it. It was written by the last owner of the mansion, a wealthy man named Edward Blackwood. He read the first page: *October 31st, 1899* *Today is my birthday. I have invited

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some guests to celebrate with me in my mansion. I have prepared a special surprise for them. A game of hide and seek. But not an ordinary one. A dangerous one. I have hidden some traps and secrets in the mansion, and I will be the seeker. The last one alive will inherit my fortune. The others will not make it.* *Why am I doing this? Because I am bored. Because I am sick. Because I am dark. Because I can.* *Let the game begin.* The friend gasped and dropped the journal. He realized he was in grave danger. He tried to contact his friends on the walkie-talkie, but there was no answer. He heard a loud thud from upstairs, followed by a scream. He ran out of the library and towards the staircase. He saw his friend on the floor. It was Anna.. she was fatally injured by a spear that came out of the wall. He recognized her necklace. He felt a cold hand grab his shoulder and spin him around. He faced a man in a black suit and a mask, holding a knife. It was Edward Blackwood. "Hello there," he said with a twisted smile. "You're next."

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