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Chrisean Rock Claims Blueface Is The Father Of Her Baby

The drama between rapper Blueface and his girlfriend Chrisean Rock continues as she announced that she is pregnant with his child, but he is not convinced. Chrisean took to her social media on Blueface’s birthday, to share three at-home pregnancy tests and ask her followers to guess how many heartbeats they could hear. She also posted a video of her baby bump and said that she was looking into having a home birth. However, Blueface was not in a celebratory mood. He quickly responded to her posts by tweeting that they are officially done and that he suspects she has been with 10 other men in the last year. He also demanded a DNA test before he would accept any responsibility for the baby. Chrisean did not back down from her claims. She went
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on Live and revealed that she had already done a DNA test that confirmed Blueface as the father. She also said that he was just mad and that they would get back together soon. She added that she did not need his help and that she would be fine on her own. This is not the first time that the couple has made headlines for their tumultuous relationship. They have been involved in several incidents, including one that spilled out into the streets of Hollywood and another one that led to Chrisean’s arrest for trespassing in a Phoenix bar. Fans have mixed reactions to the pregnancy news. Some are congratulating Chrisean and hoping for the best, while others are criticizing her for staying with Blueface and bringing a child into their chaotic situation.

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