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Serial Killer Abandoned House

Steven Brian Pennell is considered to be the first serial killer that was locate in Delaware. Steven Pennell tortured several women along the I-40 corridor. He is known as the "Corridor Killer" and the "I-40 Killer." Back in November of 1987 The first victim, who was 23-year-old Shirley Anna Ellis, left a hospital. Ellis thought that she was catching a ride on her way home. She was on Route 40 . She never made it home.  Later on, two teenagers found her body in the side of the road.  At the scene, the authorities found the victim wearing a pair of deep blue pants. There was black duct tape located in her hair. Ellis had serious injuries. There were blatant signs that she had been strangulated. There was injury to her head,

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that showed that she was hit with a hammer. She has wrist injuries. It was clearly shown that she was tied up. The Medical Examiner determined that the victim’s demise was caused by strangulation and blunt force trauma to the head. She was deemed to be a lady of the night, according to authorities documents. This house has been abandoned for years Word on the curb is that this house belonged to a serial Killer. Steven Pennel was a serial Killer in the state of Deleware. They named him Corridor Killer. This place is said to be haunted People have reported that they can hear screams at night from the street. Surrounding neighbors have said that they can hear the screams. If this is true.. this house seems even more creepier than it already is. Watch Video Below

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