The 36-year-old rapper has known the Kardashian clan for quite a while. In June, Khloe Kardashian revealed on her website that she moved out of her mom's house at 16 and by 17, she was had "four guys as roommates" in an apartment in Van Nuys, California, one of which was The Game. "I've known him since I was 14 and we're friends,"
While on The Wendy Williams show last November, The Game denied being anything more than friends with Khloe and recalled that she was a bit of a tomboy and "chill" before fame. "Khloe is
just a good friend," he said when asked if he was "hooking up" with the 32-year-old reality star.
When asked if he ever had a thing with Kim Kardashian West, The Game stumbled over his words. "Um, you know, know so uh, you know what," he hesitated. "Kanye is great, Kim is great, they're great for each other, you know."
He added, "Kanye is a really good friend of mine and he's got a really good family structure. That baby (North West) is just to die for and I don't want to disrespect their family infrastructure."