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Tale Of The Haunted Playground

This playground is set up near the cemetery. The ghosts of the children play and swing on the swing sets. There have been people who reported that they have seen apparitions. The ghosts have also been filmed from the paranormal society investigations. Orbs of light have also been reported as well. Sometimes the swings can be seen swinging by themselves, The sounds of giggling children can be witnessed. Talking children can be heard

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in the distance. These sounds usually occur around 11 p.m. until 3 a.m. The identities of the children are unclear. There are two stories that are going around. The first story is that around 1960, a group of children that were abducted, bodies were found on the grounds of the playground.The second story is that they are the children, who have been buried in the cemetery nearby over the years. Watch Video Below

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