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Tiny Harris Proudly Announces She's Owner Of The Atlanta Heirs Co-ed

Tiny Harris proudly announced she is the female owner of The Atlanta Heirs co-ed basketball team. Proud to be the first female owner of a co-ed professional basketball league. Thx to everyone in this picture for helping me make this monumental boss move!! I'm excited to share this with the world
and more so with my city #atlanta. I'm officially the owner of, 'The Atlanta Heirs!!' #veryproud #atlantaheirs #globalbasketball #atlanta #thenewave #bossmoves #queensh*t #Lucky7 Tiny has already gotten the ball rolling by holding preliminary tryouts on Thursday with the assistance of Shannon Brown and retired WNBA baller Kym Hampton.

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I can't let the night go by without thanking these two special people, #nba great @__shannon__brown__ and #wnba great @kymhampton1 for coming out and making today's preliminary tryouts even more epic. 🏀💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯

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