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Grandmother Left To Care For 12 Grandchildren After Daughter Passes Away After Giving Birth

Patricia Pouncey is grieving the loss of her daughter Nikita Washington. Her daughter was a mother of 12 and tragically passed away after giving birth to her son Nathaniel via C-section. Miss Pouncey, who is left to now raising Nathaniel and her daughter’s 11 other children, is confused to what really happened. “I just have a lot of questions right now,” Pouncey explained. “I ask myself all the time, ‘What went wrong?’” The grandmother says that her daughter went into the hospital. She had to go alone because her husband was incarcerated. Miss Pouncey said that she
had to stay home to care for her other grandchildren. She said that she now regrets the fact that she didn’t go with her daughter to the hospital. Washington was treated for hypertension before getting a c-section. Several hours had gone by and there was no news on what was going on. Nikita’s sister went to the hospital to get an update. The family learned that the baby was born healthy. The mother however had severe complications. She was being treated for a loose stitch and excessive bleeding. She passed away soon after. Watch Video Below

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