Niko Khale, the father of Keyshia Cole’s youngest son Tobias, recently revealed on his Social Media that he suffered injuries from a altercation. The 25-year-old singer and songwriter shared a video of himself with bandages on his arm and chest, saying that he was “blessed to be alive” and that he was “healing up nicely”.
Khale did not disclose the details of the incident or who was responsible for it, but he thanked his fans for their prayers and support. He also said that he was not going to let the situation stop him from pursuing his dreams and goals.
Khale and Cole, who have a 15-year age gap, started dating in 2017 and welcomed their son Tobias in 2019. The couple split in 2020, amid rumors of infidelity and irreconcilable differences. Cole unfollowed Khale on social media and deleted all their photos together, while Khale confirmed that his “heart is broken” in a comment to a fan.
Since their breakup, both Khale and Cole have moved on
with new partners. Khale introduced his new girlfriend Ariel on his social media in May 2021, calling her his “other half” and “the universe in human form”. Ariel also claimed Khale’s last name in her social media handle and said that their story will be told.
Cole, on the other hand, hinted that she also has a new lover by posting relationship memes, videos of herself holding hands with someone, and plans for a baecation. She also seemingly threw shade at Khale after he posted his new boo, by pinning a comment that said “If ‘letting them know you have moved on as well’ was a person… period”.
Despite their split, Khale and Cole have maintained a cordial co-parenting relationship for their son Tobias. Khale has shared several photos and videos of him spending time with his son on social media, earning praise from fans for being a “great dad”. Cole has also expressed her love and gratitude for her son, calling him her “best friend”.